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Student Devices

Hopewell students are issued a Fulton County laptop, charger, and protective laptop case. The laptop should remain in the case at all times to help protect it from damage which incurs a FCS device fine.

Missing or damaged laptop items may be paid for on OSP.  Select "Payments," and then select on the drop down menu "Pay Obligation." Once you sign in, you will process your payment.  Students may also bring cash to the Media Center to pay fines. Our school DOES NOT accept personal checks.

Device Help

Students may get help with their Fulton County device during the day by visiting our School Technology Specialist Mr. Hunter whose office is located in the Media Center. His office hours are 2nd, 4th, and 8th periods. Mr. Hunter will repair the device or swap it if needed.  If the device is damaged, a fine will be applied to the student's account, and the student will receive a fine letter to give to their parents. Fulton County will also send emails to parents once per month to notify them of fines incurred this year.  See below for the fine structure.  Parents may pay for fines on OSP, or students my submit cash payments to the Media Center. Students will be issued a new device or charger once the fine is paid.

Please contact our Device Coordinator Michelle Lamkin for more information about Fulton County devices.    

Device Fines FAQ

First page of the PDF file: DeviceFAQ


Device Deployment

All HMS students will be issued a Fulton County device, charger, and case on Monday, August 12, 2024, during their homeroom.  If you prefer that your child use a personal device brought from home, please see the information below about opting out.


Students who want to OPT OUT and will use a PERSONAL DEVICE:

Students who wish to use their personal device do not need to receive a Fulton County device. One will be provided to them during Milestone testing.  Parents should fill out this form, and students should turn in their Fulton County device/charger/case to the Media Center.

Hopewell uses Microsoft products, so please make sure your device has access to Word, Teams, OneNote, OneDrive, Excel, PowerPoint, etc. You also can download Microsoft 365 for free onto your personal device. Click here for more information. The Fulton County website has more specifics if you want to ensure your device is appropriate.


NOTE: Students Who Still Have a Fulton County Device

Students who currently have a Fulton County device due to participation in summer Fulton Virtual class should return them to their home school as soon as their class is done.  They will be issued a new, reimaged device once school begins.


2024-25 Device User Agreement

OneNote Class Notebook Access Guide