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2025-2026 Scheduling Information

Links for Rising 6th - 8th Graders

Scheduling Timeline 2025 - Provides important dates and deadlines for course recommendation and verification forms.

Initial Placement Guidelines for Course Recommendations - Middle School

Course Placement Waiver - HMS 2025-2026

Rising 6th Grade Parent Handbook (coming soon)

Rising 6th Grade Parent Night Presentation (coming in March)

Rising 6th Grade Parent Night Presentation - Spanish (coming in March)

Rising 6th Grade Tour of HMS

Math Pathways 6th-12th

Lockers 101

Immunization Requirements

Links for Rising 9th Graders

Initial Placement Guidelines for Course Recommendations - High School

Math Pathways 6th-12th

Alpharetta High School - Rising 9th Graders attending Alpharetta

Cambridge High School - Rising 9th Graders attending Cambridge

Innovation Academy - Rising 9th Graders attending IA